ITea Morning – Links of the week 11

On my YouTube channel I have a project called “[ITea Morning](”.
The idea is to make daily short videos with few links to articles for audience to read to morning tea or coffee.

Since my channel is in polish for your convenience I am [weekly sharing here]( all the interesting materials I am talking about

Now Let’s drink our ITea!

## ITea Morning #226
• [How to Debug ASP.NET Core Source Code](
• [How to build budget $500 PC, but using mayonnaise as thermal paste](

## ITea Morning #227
• [Four Ways of Writing Thoughtful Code to Think Less](
• [The Out-of-Office Message You Need When You Have to Take a Sick Day](

## ITea Morning #228
• [Navigate your code like it’s 2021](
• [Microsoft Extends Low-Code Push with Power Fx Programming Language](

## ITea Morning #229
• [Pet Peeves on Software Testers](
• [Każda organizacja może się zmienić. Oto dowody na to, że w firmach trwa prawdziwa rewolucja](

That is all for today see you next week!

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