ITea Morning – Links of the week 40

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On my YouTube channel I have a project called “ITea Morning”.
The idea is to make daily short videos with few links to articles for audience to read to morning tea or coffee.

Since my channel is in polish for your conviniece I am weekly sharing here all the intresting materials I am talking about

Now Let’s drink our ITea!

ITea Morning #124

How Does DEVOPS See Testers?
I made my website 28ms faster with content-visibility
Epic, Spotify, and others take on Apple with “Coalition for App Fairness”
Peter principle

ITea Morning #125

Lesser known tricks
Goodbye comments, welcome Webmentions
Psująca sie kultura

ITea Morning #126

The Best Career Advice I’ve Ever Had
Kim powinien współczesny programista? Głęboka wiedza vs. szeroka wizja
JPK_V7 nadchodzi i przynosi nowe obowiązki przy wystawianiu faktur

ITea Morning #127

Soap Opera Testing
How to Go From Coding Tutorials to Building Apps in 5 Steps
We Cancelled Standups and Let The Team Build. Here’s What Happened..
Telewizor co zabił sieć

ITea Morning #128

7 Javascript Tips and Tricks
Don’t be clever
The BBC is releasing over 16,000 sound effects for free download

That is all for today see you next week!

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