# ITea Morning – Links of the week 43

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On my YouTube channel I have a project called “ITea Morning”.
The idea is to make daily short videos with few links to articles for audience to read to morning tea or coffee.

Since my channel is in polish for your conviniece I am weekly sharing here all the intresting materials I am talking about

Now Let’s drink our ITea!

ITea Morning #138

CEIDG czyste jak łza. Nic do ukrycia. Środowiska testowe dostępne dla wszystkich.
Reading and Writing JSON in Java
Apple made ProtonMail add in-app purchases, even though it had been free for years
US Army trials augmented reality goggles for dogs

ITea Morning #139

Before You Start Coding
Why You NEED a BLOG as a Programmer – Simple Programmer
Wielka Brytania używała starego formatu Excela do liczenia przypadków koronawirusa

ITea Morning #140

How to Get Started with Mobile App Testing
Async code smells and how to track them down with analyzers – Part I
Computer science is not software engineering
From Essays to Coding, This New A.I. Can Write Anything

ITea Morning #141

Are there any limitations to test automation?
C# in Simple Terms – The Type System
Zoom is releasing a new tool to let paid users charge for admission to online events like conferences or fitness classes
Remove This! ✂️ AI-Based Video Completion is Amazing!

ITea Morning #142

Visual studio 2019 must have extensions
The Tyranny of Metrics
This former Tesla CIO just raised $150 million more to pull car dealers into the 21st century

That is all for today see you next week!

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