Maciej Wyrodek

Test Automation Expert, Mentor, Trainer and Consultant

About me

I am a Tester specializing in Automation and part of IT since 2011.

I became a tester because, except working as demolition expert, it was only available option to get paid for breaking stuff.

Since 2016 I’m trying to give more to the community by presenting at conferences, meetups and workshops, writing articles and running a YouTube channel – ITea Morning.

About ITea Morning

ITea Morning is a project I work on since April 2020 on my YouTube channel.

Every morning from Monday to Friday I publish a video in which I drink tea and comment on news and articles related to IT.

This project is a result of 5 years of brewing in my head and more importantly – of my need to share knowledge, learn and discuss with others.

Recent posts

Polskie Kanały IT na YouTube – Mega Lista

Poniższa tabela to przegląd polskich kanałów YouTube o tematyce IT. Lista zawiera kanały nadesłane na mediach społecznościowych (YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn) oraz kanały, które zostały...

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ITea Morning – Linki z Tygodnia 28

[ITea Morning]( jest codzienną serią video na moim kanale YouTube gdzie omawiam różne ciekawe artykuły ze świata IT. By ułatwić ich wyszukiwanie w przyszłości raz...

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