Test Automation – Facts and Myth– A short relation

Test Automation – Facts and Myth was an event organized by SuccessPoint to discuss automation and misconceptions around it.

About the event

This event was different from other conferences. With its size and atmosphere, it felt less like a conference and more like whole a day of lectures. The feeling was enhanced by the shape and size of the room and a relatively small audience. Plus the name of the event Test Automation – Fact and Myth its mouth full.

All presentations were about automation, but not about the so cold „hard staff”, „the meat”. It was about the soft side of automation.
I think only Michal had a hard technical presentation. -unfortunately, I had to leave just before his talk so I can’t say for sure.

How was my presentation at Test Automation – Facts and Myth?

It went really well. My presentation got the highest score of them all.
I made this material a few times this year. The challenge was it was the first time I’ve done this presentation in Polish my native tongue.

Time for mini wow effect!

This time they are more of a collection of loose ideas than real mini wow effects. Please note the whole event was in polish including the name of the conference and most talk titles were in Polish. So Titles below are my own translations.

Projects are not Equal by Piotr Slezak

Out of 4 automation stories shared by Piotr, 3 had ended in failure. – I don’t know if in any way it is representative of all ForProgress projects but reminds me of some data I see in 2016 saying that
¾  of IT projects and in failure.

Lots of the problems that they observed was that client wanted to automate wrong things.
His presentation reminded me also that I should pay more attention to RPA. Cause RPA has to be usable by non-technical people and most of the Testing tools still require lots of technical know-how

Automation craze by Sebastian Małyska.

True testers can break equipment just by looking – Sebastian broke projector and speakers.

Should we get Business Analyst Help for writing test automation framework? – my and Sebastian project is YES. It is projects like any other!

Automation in the world of projects by Zbyszek Moćkun

You can earn money on open-sourcing your frameworks.
For example training and help with setup.

That is All!

To sum it up it was a nice, simple, cosy event.
That was my last conference this year. I have one more event in front of me. WrotQA meetup.

Ok now after nearly month break its time to go back to How to research tools.
See you there!

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