Unicorn Project and The Goal – double book review
This article is my impression of books: The Goal and Unicorn Project. On stories In 2017 when I was doing my 52 books challenge I have read an interesting book:…
This article is my impression of books: The Goal and Unicorn Project. On stories In 2017 when I was doing my 52 books challenge I have read an interesting book:…
Following article is a review of Audiobook: Beyond the Phoenix Project. By Gene Kim and John Willis. Including my thought on the goal of this "book" and its table of…
Following article is my a short review of two books The Phoenix Project and Accelerate. Both books concern DevOps. If you care about DevOps, you should read them! Let's Start…
Following article is my review of Clean Architecture by Robert C Martin. Short version: Great book not only for developers I think anybody working in IT should read the first…
This is a book review of Building Successful Communities of Practice by Emily Webber.Disclaimer: Or book links are part of the Amazon affiliate program. Why I read it? As some…
Disclaimer I've got discounts coupon for this book from Ben. And we both are a member of Ministry of Testing slack community. I have few friends looking for the job.…
I have first heard about "Software Testing as a Martial Art" by David Greenlees on Joe Colantonio "TestTalk." It sounded exactly up my alley since I am also fond of…
TL;DR [expand = "Click here to see short summary"] Good Book! It will help you shape how to think about writing code, even for test automation. [/expand] A struggle for quality…