State of the blog – August

It is more than a month since my last state of the blog. And last week i couldn’t do post due to organising my birthday party. So as apology today is state of the blog update:

My Past commitments

So what happened to stuff I have committed previously [link]:
– I have scraped article about my Relation from conferences (testing cup, nidevconf, pmiconf). I had rewritten those articles a few times but I wasn’t happy with their quality. After some time I’ve decided to scrap it.
Next flower is stuck in the research phase.

So Whats Happening now?

I am experimenting with a new format „the 300” which goal is to have shorter articles that are easy and fast to read.
They still should follow my goal which means improve your performance.

I will have quite a few talks this autumn:

The ones that are confirmed and already on the agenda are:
September: SEETEST 2018 I was on 2017 event you can read my relation here.
October: Tapost 2018

There are 3 more conferences where I will be speaking but agenda is not yet up so I won’t disclose it yet.

That is all for know on Sunday regular content will resume

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