Belgrade Test Conference 2018 – A Short Relation

This time I was at Belgrade Test Conference in Serbia, bellow is my short report.

That was my second visit to Belgrade, previously I was there on SEETEST. I was thrilled because I’ve made some friends there and mmeeting them again was a real joy for me.

Belgrade Test Conference – Veneue and organizators

This time conference happened in Theater, that was a unique place. There was lots of interesting decoration to look at in corridors, rooms had great acoustics, and the largest room had balconies from which you could observe talks!

As a speaker I felt spoiled during my stay– We have 2 guided tours over the city, there was speakers dinner, and the social event.

Sava ChatBot

Another thing that got my eye was Sava bot used for conference coordination. You could ask questions, see agenda schedule where to go next, and rate speakers.
It was diamond in the rough – I think you could expand the ways speakers are rated. I would like to see it after getting user rating asking him what he did and didn’t like.
Also, I am not sure how popular Facebook Messenger is in Serbia, cause number of people using it wasn’t soo great.

Let’s talk about my short commings

Now I need to move to my own faults.
I noticed I am falling into a comfortable spot. But instead of going to people and trying to meet and network I was keeping mostly with other speakers from Poland. I think as a speaker it is my job to also meet and network with people. And I’ve failed at that. So if for some reason you wanted to meet me and I seemed unaccessible I apologise.

How was my talk?

My best talk so far! I was the best-rated talk of the first day. (unfortunately, there were better-rated talks the next day)
I had a fantastic connection with the audience they weren’t afraid to participate when I asked a question.
I’ve also had a stupid idea to try Chinese Wishepers as visualisation of Tribal knowledge sharing! It leads to chaos in the audience, but it Worked!

Mini wow effects

So continuing my idea about the mini wow effect. I want to shere with you few of them that I had during Belgrade Test Conference.

Test flow: improve yourself with mental training – Ard Krammer 

I have seen his talk already – but I have scrapped my article about testingcup so I never talked about it.  Let’s just say I am trying to get into the FLOW state since he explained how to do it. I am still, but I will keep working on it.

Appium: An Open Source Software Success Story by Dan Cuellar

One prominent Twitter user – tweeting about their tool tripled their user count. It gave them enough users to snowball in popularity and visibility.
That is terrifying to me how powerful social media are. It is not the first case I know of Late Total Biscuit did this at least two times – with Renowned Explorers: International Society and WARFRAME.

Quality as a Way of Thinking – Slavko Ilic

Parteo rules say that in 2 years 20% of us (the audience ) will switch left or right and 80% will stay in “

Since lots of places didn’t mature from blaming Testers for poor quality.
Shift-left is turning into shift-blame. – I need to think more about this.

Absence – much ado about nothing – Lars Sjödahl

It is not really even a mini wow effect, but it is a reminder.
Even nothing is something. Ergo lack of information is also information that can be used to deduce something.

QA’s guide to demystifying blockchain – Ema Bozic &Stefani Majic

I wasn’t at this talk, but few things were shared with me by one of the attendees. Some new tools for my „To check” list:

  • Screencastify.
  • Hyperledger

Building a perfect team – retrospective – Michał Buczko

Disclaimer we work together, and we talk a lot, so I am Biased.

“when you lose a one person in the team you lose the whole team”. It is a more poetic way of saying that any personal team changes lead of going back to the beginning of team maturity curve.

That’s all folks!

Unfortunately, at that point, I had to leave to catch my plane.

Overall it was a good conference I am pleased that I had the opportunity to be part of it. And I will look back at it fondly.

What about You? Did you attend? If yes what talks do you liked?

My next Stop is Testwarez in Zakopane.
If you want to read more about my past event check here.

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