Prawa Autorskie w IT — kradzież kodu i Ty — addendum
24 stycznia na kanał wrzuciłem wideo: “Prawa Autorskie w IT — kradzież kodu i Ty”, w którym poruszałem kwestie tego, jak w Internecie nie są szanowane prawa autorskie, jak bardzo…
24 stycznia na kanał wrzuciłem wideo: “Prawa Autorskie w IT — kradzież kodu i Ty”, w którym poruszałem kwestie tego, jak w Internecie nie są szanowane prawa autorskie, jak bardzo…
Poniższa tabela to przegląd polskich kanałów YouTube o tematyce IT. Lista zawiera kanały nadesłane na mediach społecznościowych (YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn) oraz kanały, które zostały znalezione przeze mnie podczas przeszukiwania…
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!
On my YouTube channel I have a project called “ITea Morning”.The idea is to make daily short videos with few links to articles for audience to read to morning tea…
Online Test Conf is coming close it will be here in 19th-21st may. I have tried to be there as a speaker, but unfortunately, I didn't get in. But before…
So my experimentation with video recording goes forward. This time I am trying to do timelapse of my work on the challenge. Timelapse -Programming Challenge As I explained in the…
This is my newest experiment called Let's Play IT, where I am playing games and discussing different concepts from the IT world. So I like playing games, and I needed…
So my plan for this week was a different article - but it is stuck in development hell - at this moment it has 6,6k word and looks like it…
I was doing some stats of my blog to see what worked and what didn't. And I thought I will share with you what were my most popular articles of…
Next post will be my summary of the year. But there is one thing that stood out for me. How much torn in my side Microsoft was this year. The…