This is my newest experiment called Let’s Play IT, where I am playing games and discussing different concepts from the IT world.
So I like playing games, and I needed some excuses to play them. Hence this series was born.
What I have learned is that making videos takes a LOT of time. So I hope you enjoy it 🙂
To sum it an app I am a firm believer that our ability to learn, not only by doing, observing but also by reading is what allowed us to become dominant species on this planet and it is what will enable us to reach the stars.
But we also need to share. That is why this blog exists. That is why I try to share my thoughts and ideas. Because it is my core belief, THIS is what makes us human. So I hope you enjoy it 🙂
Mind map:

Knowledge Worker:
Definition II
What Is A Knowledge Worker?
Knowledge sharing: A review and directions for future research
Sheng Wang a,⁎, Raymond A. Noe b,1:
Knowledge Sharing: Leveraging Trust and Leadership to Increase Team Performance
Learning worker:
Say Goodbye To Knowledge Workers And Welcome To Learning Workers
From “knowledge worker” to “learning worker”
Age Discrimination:
Surviving as an Old in the Tech World
The Brutal Ageism of Tech
Accelerate, DevOps HandBook, Beyond Phoenix Project (Books are on my recommended books list)
Further reading recommendation
A Whole New Mind,
Who Moved My Cheese