So If you read my last update, you know what I wanted to do – a mind map program with some functionality I am missing.
Change of plans
But while researching how to do it. Three things happened:
- I’ve finished Lean Startup Book
- I had more time to think about my idea.
- I’ve learned more about files.
Basically, I realized that my main grievance is searchability, and my PoC is too ambitious. I want to resolve many problems at once at high effort.
So I decided to tackle one more time just search – and viola as the effect we have this program:
A command line that supports a Xmind type mind map.
For now, it only displays the name of the find and whole node it found the value in. And the search is done in one folder no recursion. No fuzzy search, nothing fancy. But it works – and it already helped me find a few maps I was searching for.
What next?
For know it searches one folder – I would like to be able to set recurrency and more files
The cache is another thing that would be useful. Maybe also ability to take commands straight from the command line.
Write some documentation.
What I learned
There is also one more thing, Wile writing this app I learned more about net core 3. Especially about using logs and configs. Some time ago, I wrote this article on how to use appsettings.json in tests in core 2. I was pleasantly surprised I don’t have to do it like this in core 3 if I am using Generic Host Builder. Unfortunately, this won’t work for tests ☹
The code for the tool is here: Try it out and let me know what do you think