Another Week Passed another week retro.
This week went fast. After Last Week MoT Dublin Meetup I’ve decided to add a new section to the retro: experiment of the week.
The question of The Week:
How can we make our releases smoother? Both me and my Test lead we are not fully satisfied with the speed of our releases. Especially with Release testing after brainstorming season, we have few ideas how to improve it we will test them out in practice. I will probably write some summary of it after we will be done.
The article of the week:
Outside of conferences I practically don’t use twitter (But you can still add me @thebrokentest). Mostly because I don’t understand it. That why I appreciate Kamila’s article on how to use twitter.
The Experiment of the week
Some discussion in the office reminded me of the „opendyslexic” font. The idea behind this font is that it should help dyslexic with reading. I was trying to find some research how does it work, but I wasn’t too successful.
I am Dyslexic myself, although I wouldn’t say I have a problem with reading looking at the amount of literature I consume. But I wanted to give it a try.

Usually experimenting, I would give myself a little more time at least a whole book. This time after two chapters I had enough. Reading with it was much more tiring for me than other fonts. Of course, Faq states it is not gonna work for everybody, so if you are dyslexic and have a problem with reading I suggest give it a try, but it is not for me.
Weekly Update
This year they won’t be any more flowers articles, but there will be a whole year retrospective. I have one more article oven it should come before Christmas.
If you want to read more weeks retros check here.