Test:Fest 2019 Feedback Analysis

I will admit I didn’t have Idea for this weekly article.
But then Marta Firlej came to rescue sending feedback from my panel on Test Fest Conference. So I will share with you what I have learned.

What I did on Test:Fest?

As a Reminder, I was doing a discussion panel lean coffee style. Its a form of discussion, where each topic is extremely time-boxed and comes from the audience. by bringing them on sticky notes, and then voting on them. It’s great for the agenda-less meeting.

Let’s look at feedback

Most comments were in polish. I have marked them as Translated.

There was few good ideas and concepts. Plus for the moderator, which shared an interesting curio about „fail fast<„it gave me a lot to think about


This comment is a balm for my hearing. As someone who loves sharing knowledge hearing that some found a point worth thinking about is great.

Good Idea, A lot if interesting discussion with the competent moderator”


Next one is my favorite,

Weird Presenter, not too friendly


I have to admit I am a strange man, and I can be hard to talk to. But I think I was friendly and nice during the presentation.

This is a good way for discussion of different subjects. I have seen this form for the first time. The subjects were also interesting


It was not lean coffee that I expected. It was discussion panel.

This one is confusing to me. Since a form of meeting/discussion panels.
So the Author is not wrong. I did check with definitions and as far as I can say it was proper lean coffee. But I am curious what the author meant when saying „it was not lean coffee that I expected”. If you are reading this please let me know.

I wasn’t there from the beginning, but since I came I liked it very much


„Great Form for a panel!”


That all the feedback I’ve got.

My goal was to introduce as many people to lean coffee format. And looking at comments it worked.
Since the discussion in this format is driven by its member. All prise for good topic goes to all member of the audience! And this is the reason why I wanted to share this feedback. It is as much for me as for you.

I think overall it was mostly positive feedback I ever got. Thank you! If you want to check my feedback from last year its here.

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