Edit 10-04-2018 – Fixed Łukasz surname. I am REALLY sorry for the typo.
Time Flies it is retro number 22 in 4 weeks it will be a half year.
Today we will talk about Testers Taken Seriously, Testing cup and lots of articles
The Question of the week: Are Testers Taken Seriously?
This is subject that is boiling in me for a long time. At least for the year.
I’ve got new door card I went to check if it works.
And my answer was „It seems to be working”. My Leader answered, „Spoken like the true tester.” And although the whole exchange was typical funny work cheat chat, it made me think. That stereotype of the tester is someone who won’t give you a straight answer you ask „Is it working”, „It hasn’t noticed any new errors”, „So it works?”, „You can’t ever be sure.” – well, this is Hyperbole, but I think you get it.
Plus most of the big changes in IT happens without us. For example Agile, DevOps. We had to adapt to it we weren’t an active part of the change.
But lately occurred to me that I may have fallen in confirmation Bias,
That why I have high hopes for research by Elżbieta Badtke and Łukasz Pietrucha. I would strongly encourage you, dear reader, to participate but, there is one problem it is in Polish but if that is no problem here’s the link.
The Article of the week:
I read a lot every week its hard to select JUST one article.
This week it is impossible that why you get 3.
First one Is connected to question of the week and my googling of that subject: Lets Broaden Our Testing Wisdom
Next one is this monster Testing in Production, the safe way
Cindy Sridharan is the demon of writing I need something like the half day for each of her articles because of she goes so in-depth and refers so many other materials that you really need to have time set aside – because you won’t read just hers article you will read it and at least ten other ones. Sorry, I don’t have my mind map with notes – it is on different machine 🙁 – I will update this article with it on Monday (or I will forget)
This article about how to prevent bad writing code is also important: https://blog.daftcode.pl/become-a-better-programmer-by-making-it-hard-to-write-bad-code-d118ab90e0f7
The Experiment of the week:
None I have a problem with my mind maps – I do more of them and ever. And I need a way to quickly store them and check them I am looking into options, but I am far from testing phase.
The events of the week:
Do you remember the article I mentioned in the last retro? It won testing cup humanistic challenge :D, So I’ve got a ticket for Testing cup conference and Competition.
I would like to say that I aim for the first place. But truth to be told my skill got little rusty.
I am also preparing a workshop to teach people c# and selenium.
I at least solution with exercises I want to make available online
for now, the stub is here, feel free to comment and suggest improvements.
And How did your week go?
Did you read something interesting? Or there are questions connected to testing that are on your mind? What do you think about testers?
If you want to read more weeks retros check here.