Testwarez 2018 – A short relation
Disclaimer I did some promotional post for Testwarez 2018. Testwarez is largest polish testing conference sprawling whooping 5 track each of its two days. And it really shows. The size…
Disclaimer I did some promotional post for Testwarez 2018. Testwarez is largest polish testing conference sprawling whooping 5 track each of its two days. And it really shows. The size…
Disclaimer this blog contains sponsored part by #sjsi. My speaker badge from last year State of Blog First Sorry for not posting last week I had a little to much…
Testwarez CFP is coming to close (18.06). It is the biggest testing conference in Poland. It is place to be! Not only due to talks but the opportunity to network…
That was my first Testwarez event- biggest Polish Testing Conference, This time in a Beautiful city of Torun. First Day First Day Started with Keynote from Michał Kujałowicz. Fun fact…
As in the previous post, this is an experiment for new series of short posts called Retro of the week. This time we will ponder the future of web The…
Hi, welcome to a pilot post of my new series. Retro of the week. The goal of the series is to keep a little update of what is going…