As in the previous post, this is an experiment for new series of short posts called Retro of the week. This time we will ponder the future of web
The question of the week:
What is the future of web testing? Again I have no answer
– But current IT bubble is either going to burst in next few years or already is slowly bursting
– To add it I agree with the article about dying Web, and this also will change the landscape for people like me.
– To add more complexity testing is in the middle of change.
To sum it all up, I am going to quote Yoda 'clouded the future is’. I am not worried about next year or two, but on a long-term, I think it will be harder. Fortunately, I work best outside my safe zone, so I am looking forward to this challenge
Article of the week
THE WEB BEGAN DYING IN 2014, HERE’S HOW I read it on Sunday after the last retro, so I count it to this week
My progress:
Due to preparing to travels I haven’t made any progress on articles, and I doubt next week will be better.
Next week I am speaking at Testwarez
Also, next MoT Dublin is coming, and this one will be a blast.
If you would like to read more weeks retros you can check it here.