Retro of the week #24: pros and cons of open-source

Another week has passed. This week went under the case of Jmeter.
Which lead me to think about pros and cons of open-source.

mind map for week 24

The Question of the week: What are the pros and cons of open source?

So as you know, I was upgrading JMeter template and later ci pipeline in Objectivy thanks to which I had the opportunity to see the dirty underbelly of open source.

There is another article about this coming but in short.
The entry point is high, due to no documentation, whatever it is usually outdated,
There is a forum which may help you (emphasis on 'may’. I have found posts dating a few years back dealing with the same problem without any answer.

Another and usually Interface is unusable, especially for projects that are quite old.

Yes when you get into it, all of that makes perfect sense, but it takes a lot of time to hit that point

But In my opinion most significant advantage is the fact that code is open and in worst case scenario you could fix issues your self

I would like to say that vendor based software doesn’t have this problem, but usually, it has documentation and support. Problem is documentation is often outdated and support not willing to help.

The Article of the week:

This is not really article I’ve found old diagram representing Dale’s Cone of learning.
Illustrating how much we learn by different methods.
On Monday I will do four-day workshop so this is imported to me.

Dale cone of learning


The Experiment of the week:

There was quite a lot of experiments while fixing meter – I won’t go into the details here since I will do another article on this subject. But let us say I was able to do TDD of CI 😀

State of the blog:

In 2 weeks it will be half years since I’ve started retro of the week series
Not sure if I hit the deadline, but I want to write a little summary of all the questions.

There are three articles of mine that will be published on different platforms than mine:
Testingcup my article that won humanistic task- Release date TBA
Article for women in technology – It was released today you can read it here Warning it is only in Polish.

Article about Jmeter – probably will be published on Objectivity blog – work in progress

And How did your week go?

Did you read something interesting? Or there are questions connected to testing that are on your mind?


 If you want to read more weeks retros check here.

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