Another Week has passed. Unfortunately, this week is sadder than most.
John „Totalbiscuit” Bain passed away on 24th may.
This is a blog dedicated to testing, not games. However, I can’t deny that work of TotalBiscuit have influenced the way I am thinking and preparing my articles. His work gave me courage to go „out there” and be active with presenting my point of view. His death was a sad loss for the game industry, and since a lot of us in IT world are games I think it is not an exaggeration to say it is a loss for IT industry as a whole. However, I hope his legacy will live on.
The Question of the week: How to avoid sunken cost Fallacy?
This week I have finally done my workshop on PMI conference.
Moreover, as much I am satisfied with how it went I am not satisfied how expensive preparation was.
I will go into more detail in another post but For know Question at what moment I should say stop. Is it not worth it?
Bonus Question is, Have I ever answered any of the Questions of the week?
No. I think no.
The Article of the week:
I have mixed feeling about this article. Especially an authors interpretation of open/close. However, I find the whole idea compelling
The Experiment of the week:
This week biggest experiment was my workshop. It was far from my comfort zone. However, I need proper calm retrospective to make sense of it. So I won’t discuss it here.
State of the blog:
I am going on holidays. Technology detoxification I won’t have a computer with me. So probably no articles. (unless I will manage to prepare something beforehand and schedule to release on holidays. No promises here).
There are few articles in the work Relation from PMI Wroclaw conference. Including my workshop.
Then testingcup and relation from it.
Question to viewers:
I have another question to you dear readers:
Do you enjoy the retro format?
Cause I am thinking about doing some changes, but I hope to hear from you first.
You can write it here, on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.
And How did your week go?
Did you read something interesting? Or there are questions connected to testing that are on your mind?
If you want to read more weeks retros check here.